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Chilaw Cathedral (Our Lady of Mount Carmel )

Chilaw Cathedral (Our Lady of Mount Carmel )

Chilaw is a historical village of the pearl of the Indian Ocean. In the geographical maps of ancient and understandable Ceylon or Taprobane – now Sri Lanka – the name Chilaw is visible as “Chilao” the meaning of which is not clear. Ptolemy (A.D. 150) – an ancient Greek seaman and the Dutch who prepared the maps of ancient Ceylon has clearly marked Chilaw as “Chilao” in their maps. The word “Chilao” is derived from Tamil “Chalapam” some say. “Chalapam” refers to the pearls found in Chilaw sea, obtained from oysters. The history of pearls from Chilaw to Mannar goes up to King Vijaya’s era. Chilaw then - a special area - was famous for pearls. Even today some old people call Chilaw as ‘Muthu Halawatha”. As to some historical legends the Sinhala name for Chilaw - Halawatha - goes to the era of king Kawantissa . While taking a Bee Hive to Anurahapura from Negombo infant bee ants were shaken off ( Halawe) now known as Chilaw. As to another legend, Salawatha - Wathasala (Chilaw) means weaving centers - Wasthra Shala - Wathasala has then known as Salawatha and finaly for ease Halawatha. Cotton was brought to Salawatha from “Thambrapanni “ or “Tammanna” for making clothes. Up to date there is a street called “Weavers Street” in Chilaw. Many people like to accept this explanation. According to those legends, Chilaw or Salapura or Halawatha had been inhabited from time immemorial and it goes back to the beginning of Sinhala Rajawaliya - Title of Kings - or to the period of Princess Kuweni of Yaksha tribe who had been weaving cotton when Prince Vijaya (B.C. 483 - 446 ) and his retinue landed at Tammanna or Thambapanni. Chilaw had been a busy and important port in ancient times. A famous traveler - Iban Bathuta in 1344 came to Chilaw. He has written that he saw bundled cinnamon ready to be shipped in port “Salvat” (Salawath - means Chilaw). Then we focus on how Chilaw became populated. Even today most of the Chilawians belong to the Mihindukulasooriyan clang. They are supposed to be the roots - the beginners of Pitipana Street, Chilaw. In the time of King Sri Parakramabahu the VI of Kotte (A.D. 1412 - 1468) nine Army Officers have arrived here with platoons (over 7000) to an invitation made by the king to help fight against Mukkuwa invasion. Those chiefs were of Karawa cast of India(Kawrava). After the battle was won, one of the chiefs Arsakula alias Mihindukulasooriya Mudiyanse and his platoon settled down in Chilaw in Pitipana Street the best part of the Chilaw visinity. Today Mihindukulasooriyans are the direct descendants of Arsakula Alias Mihindukulasooriya Mudiyanse. Other chiefs also settled down along the costal belt up to the Southern parts of Ceylon. When the Portuguese came here in 1505 and started spreading Christianity, Chilaw people embraced it directly. It may be because Mihindukulasooriyans had roots with Thomas Christians in India. Churches were built along the costal belt from Colombo to Puttalam. There was a church in Chilaw too built by the Portuguese. When the Dutch took over it took a bad and uneasy period for Christians. During this period Rev. Fr. Joseph Vaz came to Sri Lanka started his missionary activities as a solace to Christians. His was a secret holy and tremendous service to the nation. We need not repeat here his services to Catholics and the poor especially to the Kandyan Kingdom when an epidemic broke out . From time to time when riots erupted, churches were devastated by the Buddhists and the Dutch. Some wanted to take revenge from Catholism because it was introduced by the Portuguese. But none could wipe out Christianity completely from Sri Lanka. And from time to time disguised priests came here from India and other countries to serve the Catholics here. In 1603 Temporary churches were built in Chilaw, Madampe and Caimal (Kammala) by two Jesuits priests - Sebastian Andreas and Pedro Euticio. But those churched were set on fire due to riots in those days. There was no record as to the whereabouts of the Chilaw church. After that incident as a security measure a new church was built in the name of St. Peter near the sea beach because if any trouble broke up the priest could be saved by sailing them away from the island. That was between the years 1617 - 18. Around 1780 the miraculous statue of Our Lady of Carmel was found. As to the legend a poor woman who went for fire wood to nearby thicket heard a noise that said “take me”. She bundled the statue with firewood and brought it home and kept it a secret. After that they faced many a trouble and finally she disclosed the secret to the villagers. The villagers then erected a church near railway station and enshrined the statue there for worship. The statue had been there for about 80 long years. Those days the fishermen in the village used to get heavy catches of fish and they believed it was a miracle of Our Lady. When Catholics grew in number there was not enough room in the church for the devotees. By that time the Dutch rulers had given freedom for worship one’s own religion. On 08th September 1850, Chilaw was declared a parish. The necessasity of a permanent church felt by the devotees. The parish priest who served Chilaw at that time was Rev. Fr. Froilano Oruna - a Spanish Sylvestro Benedictine order. Mrs. Lucia Fernando – a devoted Christian donated a land and many followed suit. And the village fishermen flock together to contribute one tenth of their income to build the new church. Finally in 29th June 1851, the foundation stone was laid by Mr. Seimon Cassichetty who was then the Magistrate of Chilaw , a great scholar. After nine years of labour the church was built and the miraculous statue was brought to the new church in ceremonial procession. ( Please refer “Halawatha Urumaya” by Susantha Fernando for more details.) In November 16th 1860 The Church was consecrated and according to Rt. Rev. late Dr. His Lordship Edmond Peiris a great historian and the first Sinhalese Bishop, Chilaw church was the first to be consecrated in Sri Lanka. When the Diocese of Chilaw was created in January 05th 1939 by Holy Father Pius XII the church was declared the Cathedral Church of the new Chilaw Diocese. His Lordship Rt. Rev. Dr. Edmond Peiris - a proud son of Chilaw became the first Bishop of Chilaw. This great structure – the Basilica of Chilaw with a glorious outlook of its gothic architecture and the ancient statue of Our Lady perhaps the biggest building in Chilaw even today stands a permanent and blessed monument to Our Lady. The Centenary Jubilee of the cathedral was held in 1951 under the patronage of His Lordship Rt. Rev. Dr. Edmond Peiris O.M.I. – late Bishop of Chilaw.
Sri Niwesaramaya - Ponnankanniya

Sri Niwesaramaya - Ponnankanniya

Sri Niwesaramaya,Ponnankanniya,Kakkapalliya,Chilaw,Sri Lanka, Chilaw Town ,
PONNANKANNIYA SRI NIWESARAMA VIHARAYA IS SITUATED IN NORTH PITIGAL KORALA IN PUTTALAM DISTRICT When coming along the main road from Colombo – to Puttalam, close to Chilaw at the third way junction Kakkapalliya turning right after one & half km: walk passing the graceful paddy fields turning right after 20 meters walk you find this sacred & beautiful temple Ponnankanniya is there with the splendid sceneric beauty. According to the words of the people arround the temple area, they say that it started or founded 400yrs:’ ago. Then this sacred viharaya was beyond or away from the tank & later it was brought towards this side of the tank where the present & pleasant temple ground.is situated. Even if there are no written historical facts or witnessing facts to say that some old buildings & some statues found on that sides proves this saying is truthful to accept & can be proved definitely. After construction of thise sacred temple on thise present ground first chief thera who resided here was Rt:Rev:Agalakada Upananda Thera. This Reverend thera had his connections with the Weligama Agrabodhi Temple. Thise Buddhist Bikkhu was taken here with honour & respectful situations from Mathara to Nelumpokuna Purana Viharaya & residing from there this thero performed & coverd. All the Buddhist religious activities by him. Many Buddhist religious activities were performed to the peoplewithmuch kindness. After that this honoured thera came to this temple & resided. He performed his religious matters & religious affairs resting in this temple it self. He tried to improve this temple with his own efforts. He cured many patients with his charms & chauntings. He was progressive with his extra activities. He was very fluent with conversing English Language & mostly the people from outside areas were attracted by him. Sir Henrysteale Olcote was establishing Buddhist schools all over the country.He was attracted by this honoured thero with the admiration & support of this Buddhist English visiter this honourod thera was able to English & start a Buddhist school here. He was succeeded with his efforts & as he was very clever in conversing English this great Religious Leaders. After the regime of Agalakada Upananda Thera his student Kakkapalliye Dewananda Buddhist priest was the chief Buddhists priest of this great temple. He was appointed & he did everything for the improyment of this place. The Buddhist temple & the Buddhist school,here at this holy place. The serpents bitten patients or the people were cured by him & did everything for the betterment & improvement of this place. He constructed & developed all the other sections of this temple & started to supply drinking water for this area by digging & drilling wells inside the Temple Garden. After the death of honourable Buddhist thera Mudukatuwe Gnanarama Thero was appointed as the chief priest to manage this temple . and also to improve the Buddhist school. He was chief Buddhist Priest in Kurunegala District. Mudukatuwe Gnanarama Thero was a student Thero of Both Teacher Theros of Gal-Amuna Sri Wardhanaramadhipathi Mudukatuwe Seelananda Thero & Kakkapalliye Dewananda Thero. Mudukatuwe Gnanarama Thero was acheved & awarded with the Panditha Degree & was teaching for sometime at Maliyadewa Maha Pirivena in Kurunegala & for long time in Peliyagoda Vidyalankara Maha Pirivena Both. When this chief thero was in Vidyalankara Pirivena for a long time he associated Kiriwattuduwe Pragnasara Thero,Yakkaduwe sri Pragnarama Thero, the senior lecturer Kotahene Pannakitti Thero,Senior lecturer Bambarende Siri Seewalee Thero. Aftar converting Vidyalankara pirivena into University level this Maha Thera was appointed as the lecturer for Buddhist Doctrine in the university he finished his lecturing service while he was the senior lecturer in the faculty of Buddhist Doctrine. This Great Thero was clever in Preeching Bana Chanting of Pirith and also to give instructions and advises to the required people. This Thero was the president of the Sasanarakshaka Bala Mandalaya for a long time because of his populority this Maha Thero was the Founder of Sri Dewanandha Dharma Vidyalaya. Many Bhuddhist religious activities were performed by the Rev: Thero with much kindness to the Buddhist people in the area. The present Chief Buddist Thero who is incharge of the temple is Rt: Rev: Kakkkapalliya Anuruddha Thero. That he is the President Thero of Sathkorala Mahadisawa chief Buddhist priest. This Thero is the senior student of above mentiond both Buddhist Chief Theros of this Buddhist Viharaya. He is a great Pantith (Agga Maha Pandith) this Nayaka Thero has visited many foreign countries & he has performed his duties as the senior lecturer of Pali & Buddhist Philosophy. The Rt:Rev:Chief theros of Malwatta, Asgiri,The senior lecturer Rt;Rev;Walpola Rahula Thero,Rt;Rev:Kalasoori Mapalagama Vipulasara Thero visited this Buddhist centre as to the honour of this Kakkapalliye Anuruddha Nayaka Thero. Now at this moment all the Buddhist religious activities are performing cleverly through the hands of Rt;Rev;Honourable Dematawa Buddhijeeva Thero. Thise Honourable Thero was awarded with his Degree B.A. & various Diplomas. At present this Thero is the Instructer to the Computer Diploma while he is the principal of Sri Dewananda Dharma Vidyalaya. In this Dhamma School there are about 350 students & there 16 teachers. This honourable Thero has done many services & still carryingout many religious,social & many welfare services to the people in the area. All the people in the temple area accept that Ponnankanniya Sri Niwesarama Viharaya is the most sacred one in the area, If you unexpectedly had happened to visit Chilaw Please come and achieve its coolness & sensation as to the pleasure of you…………
St.Mary's Youth Society,Chilaw

St.Mary's Youth Society,Chilaw

St.Mary's Youth Society,Chilaw Cathedral Of Chilaw Original Page of St.Mary's Youth Society