Local business web pages from Sri Lanka Search result

Vivekananda TAMIL Vidyalayam

Vivekananda TAMIL Vidyalayam

KAGOSHIMO Japan Sri Lanka Friendship Pre School

KAGOSHIMO Japan Sri Lanka Friendship Pre School

New Digana Road, Kundasale ,
It is long-felt need to have a well-planned, student focused system for the Sri Lankan child Education, which flourishs a better world for our children But today we see that child education is exploited and children are sold and molested in the system creating a big competition only for personal financial prospects. Some parents neglect pre-school education,to which the child should make his first step.At the some time,if the pre-school failed, It would directly affect to the children life long. The parents' aspiration is to give everything best for their children.therefor the need of the children should be addressed today itself.Everything should be given on the verymoment;systematically;methodically and carefully.Otherwise we will remain only repentence and the frustration; as the past time of the child can not be rewinded. 'Kagoshimo',Sri Lanka-Japanese friendship Pre-sChool, established in the year 2003,in Kundasale, Kandy has shown outstanding results;in the child-centered education. In our system we adminster an international standard annual planner with the callaboration of Japan, which is one of the best countries which has a successful per-school education in the world. Only a limited number of the students are get enrolled and the annual course is successfully covered setting out a sound foundation towards a better world. We are proud to note that we possess well equippped, super facilities modern methodologies, prepared by the international experts in child education and very sensitive staff who redy the child-mind. Our aspiration and our vision is to gift a creative, righteous, disciplined, self dependent and diligent students to the universe Step into Kagoshimo.Get dawn a radient future for your child, the live-wire and the lamp of our land....