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Humaisara OBA

Humaisara OBA

Al-Humaisara National School china fort, Beruwala ,
Official Facebook page of Al Humaisara Central College (National School) China Fort Beruwala, Sri Lanka.
CCD Beruwala

CCD Beruwala

CCD stands for Center for Culture and Development. Follow us www.twitter.com/ccdBeruwala
China Fort Fassiya Grand Jumma Masjid

China Fort Fassiya Grand Jumma Masjid

China Fort Road, , Beruwala ,
The Arabic word "Islam" itself refers to peace, harmony and the Arabic word "Tariqa" means as "way or path or order ". One may wonder what to do with this path? It is the "way or path" to reach God, and hence the name tariqa. Shadhiliya is one of the greatest Tariqa in this universe, founded by Imam Shadhili (Razi...), who originated from North East African country.Imam Shadhili (Razi...) was Sheikh of all Sheikhs, Quthub of all Quthubs and Ghouse of all Ghouses. No Waliyullah was given, and will be given till Quiyamah as Imam Shadhili (Razi...) was given a status and position by Allah (Jal…). Being the 23rd hereditary Grand son of our beloved Prophet Hazrath Muhammadhur Rasoolullah (Sal…) Sheikh Shadhili was the first in this world to introduce ZIKR JAHRI. That is Meditating Allah (Jal…) louder so that to get control over all the five human sensations. Shadhiliyya is the only Tariqa which is called as Thareeqush Shukr. Because unlike other tariqas which preaches to be isolated to wear torn and shabby dresses and to self-deny even (Halal) permitted things, Shadhiliyya preaches to enjoy all (Halal) permitted matters in the world and thank Allah (Jal…) always who provided every thing, and Hence the name THAREEQUSH SHUKR. The Tribute of spreading this Tariqa world wide through His (Karaamath – E – Jahri) Exhibited wonders goes to Sheikh Muhammadh Ajwadh Al Fassy (Razi…) who was the 21st Khaleefa of our Sheikh. During his tenure as Khaleefa tariqa with Zikr Jahri, Inshaadh, Auraadh and Hizb was spreaded all over the world. Today there are 117 countries around the globe where the Aa’maals of Shadhiliyya tariqa are being performed. People from all over the world, because of the mixture of their regional languages, pronounce and spell Shazuli(ya) as,Shadhili(ya), Shazili(ya), Shadhuli(ya), Chadhuli(ya), Chadili(ya), Chadhili(ya), Chazuli(ya), chazli(ya) etc., Though it is spelled with various pronunciations and spellings all refers only to this tariqa "Shadhili(ya)". Tunisia, Morocco, Oman, Syria, Iraq, India, Srilanka, Pakistan, Egypt, Mauritius, Indonesia, Turkey, Philippines, Palestine, Malaysia and U.S.A., are some of the most important countries were tariqa is in full fledge till today. What is Tariqa:- The literary meaning of the word Tariqa is Procedure (or) order (or ) way. They preach as the way to reach God and naturally they are called as tariqa. There are lots of Tariqa which preaches the way to reach God through meditation. Qadiriyya, Adawiya, Zuhrawardiya, Naksh Bandiyya, Chisthiyya, Rifayiyya, Uvaisiyya, Hamadaniyya, Thaibooriyya, ubbadiyya, Qarasooniyaa, Madaniyya, Badawiyya, Firdousiyya, Shaththariyya, Qalwathiyya, Aadiyaa, Ghousiyya, Dasooqiyya are few Tariqas among those. They all preach the true Spiritual knowledge to people and teach them the way to reach God. Shazuliya is one among those.