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Harangala Secondary School

Harangala Secondary School

Harangala Nawalapitiya., Nawalapitiya ,
Most colorful School in Nawalapitiya area.
St.Mary's College Nawalapitiya

St.Mary's College Nawalapitiya

A glimpse of the glorious past of St.Mary’s M.V. v First and foremost, our revered tribute to the Founder of St. Mary’s M,V. Rev. Fr. D.H.N.Lima O.S.B. whose pioneering and relentless efforts of 23 years brought it up as a leading Educational Institution in Nawalapitiya. v Rev. Fr. D.H.N. Lima, Parish Priest of Nawalapitiya. In 1915 set up St.Mary’s Mixed School with only 28 students on a portion of land donated by Imboolpitiya Estate. v The rest of the land on which St.Mary’s now stands was gradually obtained with the co-operation of Muslims to cater to the increasing student population. v Passing the nebulous years Mr.C.T.Lorage was appointed the First Principal in 1923 in which capacity he served for 7 years. v The two strayed building was declared open by Bishop Bede Beekmeyer O.S.B in 1926. v In1929 Mr Dharmadasa was appointed the Principal. He introduced Kandyan Dancing in Schools and the College Band was formed which was highly commended by the Colonial Secretary His Excellency G.C.M.Fletcher, when in attendance at the opening of the Fletcher Market at Nawalapitiya. v Mr.Rogus Fernando was the Head Master of the Tamil and Sinhala Steams’ v Mr.S. Sugathapala was appointed the Principal. He was the first Buddhist Principal of a Roman Catholic English School. He established a record in securing 100% passes at the S.S.C. and J.S.C. Exams. and the school was closed on 26.I.1940 as a mark of recognition of the achievement of the girls section in obtaining 100%passes. v In the forties there were three principals. Messrs Wilson. Gnanapragasam and U.J Perera.During this period St.Mary’s became a Govt.Assisted School. The study of Sinhala and Tamil was extended till the fith standard. Mrs. Warnakulasuriya, Messrs Samuel, Gomez, Muttiah and Anthonypillai served as Head Masters of the Primary Section. v Extensions to buildings took shape during Rev.Fr.Barsenbech’s time (1947-1953) and Mr.R.Rajanayagam became the Principal in the fifties Rev. Fr.Jestus Sinnappu took a keen interest in Football and the playground was put into trim by Mr.Pieris, the Sports Teacher. v The yeoman services of Mrs.I.Phillips at this juncture is gratefully. v In1948 out of 265 pupils in the Primary Section 250 were in the Tamil Medium and Sinhala Medium and the Manager Rev.Fr.Barsenbech made application on 15.5.1950 for seperetion of the Sinhala and Tamil Sections. v An Art Exhibition was held on the 27 th, 28th and 29th of May 1955. v On 1.6.1960 the building space was 3200 sq.ft. v On 27.1.1961 the Tamil Section was shifted to its old site and the handing over was done by Rev.Fr. Theodore Pieris. v On 24.2.1961 twenty five Muslim students and furnitures were transferred from the Muslim Girls School to St. Mary;s Mixed School. v From 3 3. 1961 all Muslim students were sent to the Mosque for Friday Jummah prayers at 12.00 and all the Catholic students were sent to the Church at 11.00 on the Friday of every month. v Renovation to Tamil Section on 13.4.1962 at an expense of Rs. 429.50. v All Teachers and the Principal opted to serve in Director Managed Schools on 26.11.1960. v The number on roll on 6.10.1961 was 1121. v The take over of the School by the Government was on 30.3.1962 and the principal at that time of take over was Mr.R.Rajanayagam. At present our school has been converted as a muslim school due to the muslim majority.
Anuruddha Kumara National School

Anuruddha Kumara National School

Though in this present from, Anuruddha College is less than a decade old, it is interesting to trace its origin to as early as 1895. It has twenty one years of total life to its credit its activities being suspended twice , and for the last time in 1918 On the 10th Octomber, 1895, a band of enthusiastic men in Nawalapitiya started the Saddharmaviwriddhi Samagama, with a view to establishing a school, where secular education would be supplemented by the teaching and the practice of the Dhamma. A site was selected, and a modest sum of Rs 600, which was collected in three weeks time acquired the land. On 20th November the building operations started , and in February 1896,the school began to function with about a hundred children. It was run on such liberal lines that the Moslem population of the town largely patronized it, and Anuruddha College today counts a good number of “Old” boys of the faith of islam, that affectionately remember their Alma Mater. Mr.Gadie Punchihewage Cornelis de silva, one of the founders of the Society was the first Manager of the school. He gifted a valuable property to the school and to the temple, and was farsighted enough to make a proviso that the circumstance, be overlooked in the premises. When he retired from business and went to Galle, he nominated his friend Mr.Baronis, responsible officer in the Railways, as Manager. Mr.Barounis justified the trust and maintained the record of his predecessor until he left the town on transfer.
Anuruddha college-Nawalapitiya

Anuruddha college-Nawalapitiya

Anuruddha kumara national College,Ginigathhena Road-, Nawalapitiya ,
History of the College : Though in this present from, Anuruddha College is less than a decade old, it is interesting to trace its origin to as early as 1895. It has twenty one years of total life to its credit its activities being suspended twice ,and for the last time in 1918 On the 10th Octomber, 1895, a band of enthusiastic men in Nawalapitiya started the Saddharmaviwriddhi Samagama, with a view to establishing a school, where secular education would be supplemented by the teaching and the practice of the Dhamma. A site was selected, and a modest sum of Rs 600, which was collected in three weeks time acquired the land. On 20th November the building operations started , and in February 1896,the school began to function with about a hundred children. It was run on such liberal lines that the Moslem population of the town largely patronized it, and Anuruddha College today counts a good number of “Old” boys of the faith of islam, that affectionately remember their Alma Mater. Mr.Gadie Punchihewage Cornelis de silva, one of the founders of the Society was the first Manager of the school. He gifted a valuable property to the school and to the temple, and was farsighted enough to make a proviso that the circumstance, be overlooked in the premises. When he retired from business and went to Galle, he nominated his friend Mr.Baronis, responsible officer in the Railways, as Manager. Mr.Barounis justified the trust and maintained the record of his predecessor until he left the town on transfer. The three pioneers messes’ Abeygunawardena, perera and witharana carried on their self-imposed duty for two years. In April 1922, with a view to carrying on the work more systematically and efficiently, they rallied round themselves more workers and formed themselves into the Anuruddha Buddhist Educational Society mention should be made of Messrs. D.H.Ango Appu and D.C Amarasinghe. Mr Ango Appu as a former Vice President at the present time has been a source of strength to the school. Mr Amarasinghe as a former Vice President , and as the present Treasurer has done valuable service by actively participating in all activities for the conduct and progress of the school. Mr P.K.S.Wimalasuriya”s work too in this connection has been very valuable.In June 1922 Mr.W.A. de silva, the President of the Colombo Buddhist Thesophical Society visited the school and was satisfied with the work. The numbers steadily increasing, the English and Sinhalese branch were separated and bean to be worked independently under the same management. In 1928 the school secured the services of a qualified teacher, as Head Master Mr.paulus P.wijesuriya, who is now the Head Master of a sister institution in the south. Mr.A.N. Hutt, A.G.A and the Hon Mr. A.C.G. Wijekoon visited the school and expressed their approval of the systematic work done. Mr A.R. Patrick Leetahm, the then Divisional Inspector of School, Central Division, next paid a visit and gave an encouraging report, and in April 1924, Anuruddha English School was registered for examination. It must be mentioned that Mr.Leethan and always taken a lively interest in the institution until his retirement last year, and his help and suggestion were of great use to me in the performance of a most difficult work. The first government examination was held in June 1924, and the school was registered for grant-in-aid June 1925…...
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