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Tiny Tots English Montessori

Tiny Tots English Montessori

Who was Maria Montessori? Dr. Maria Montessori was an Italian physician (1870 - 1952), who remains one of the most influential pioneers in early childhood education this century. Her original interest in medicine gradually evolved into education through her work with disadvantaged children in Rome. Through careful observation she began developing theories and devising unique didactic apparatus. So successful were the results, that when introduced to normal children their achievements were quite remarkable. Her method continues to flourish and is world renowned, through the many established schools, her prolific writings and continuing recognition of her profound influence in the early, most formative years of child development. A report published by Ofsted, following nationwide inspections which covered the full range of nursery provision available, stated "Both the quality of teaching and the assessment of children's progress and attainment are better in Montessori institutions than the average for all institutions." What is the Montessori method? Montessori observed that the young child has an absorbent mind and learns without effort, receiving information and new concepts spontaneously. He is in the process of self-construction, learning through observation, movement and exploration. The child has sensitive periods, during which he acquires skills, such as language, refinement of the senses and social behavior. If missed, these stages have to be learn t at a later stage, with greater effort and often less effectively. The carefully prepared Montessori environment responds to the needs of the child and provides maximum opportunity for his development. Able to choose from interesting and challenging activities set neatly upon shelves, he can explore and make his own discoveries independently. Each child is given freedom of choice and supportive encouragement to persevere to complete an activity before returning it neatly in readiness for another child to use. This encourages an awareness and consideration for others whilst developing an ordered and logical approach. A non-competitive atmosphere allows the child to work at his own pace, without feeling a pressure to achieve. The simplistic, gradual and sequential stages of the materials are presented so that the child may follow by example. Through discreet and careful observation, the directress is able to recognize a child's readiness to progress. She acts as a link between the child's needs and the environment, able to support and assist, so that he may further his own knowledge whilst carrying out his own desires with ease, confidence and enjoyment. The directress takes a positive and consistent approach setting an example for respect and courtesy.