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Irrigation Training Institute

Irrigation Training Institute

History Irrigation department was established in 1900 by the British Government. The entry of Sri Lankans in to the field of Irrigation Engineering become possible when the department established their own training institute called Irrigation training center (ITC) in the Island which origin in 1907 at Trincomalee, just seven years after the establishment of the Irrigation department The training center thus started was shifted to various parts of the country finally the Galgamuwa was selected as the Ideal location & there the training center was established on 1st January 1959. Name of the institution was also changed from time to time. The irrigation training center (ITC) becomes Technical training institute (TTI) marking the first change. In 1974 the name was changed as in-service training institute (ITT) and when the regular diploma training was restarted in 1980 the name was again changed as Irrigation training Institute (ITI) Facilities Presently the Irrigation training Institute is enhanced with the facilities of lecture halls with modern lecturing techniques & equipments, residential facility of about 150 at a time, Dinning facility about 100 at a time. Also have computer laboratory facility to 50 at a time & Quarters for the permanent Academic staff. Services & key functions of ITI Conduct the two year full time residential course on Diploma in Irrigation Engineering. Conduct the in-service training programs to Irrigation officials in different categories. Conduct short term training programs for outsiders (Government & non Government officials according to their request). Conducting farmer training programs. Conducting practical examinations for Engineering Assistants (JTE- junior technical examination, STE – Senior technical examination). Conducting survey camps for HNDE & university students The training institute undertakes the practical works such as calibration of flow, Designs & consultation & lecturing at universities on Irrigation field. Current activates & Training programs Currently three batches of trainee students are following the Diploma in irrigation Engineering, Full time residential course at ITI Diploma in Irrigation Engineering 2011/2013 No of students – 65 ( commenced on February 2011) Diploma in Irrigation Engineering 2012/2014 A No of students – 32 ( commenced on November 2011) Diploma in Irrigation Engineering 2012/2014 B No of students – 84 ( commenced on June 2012) Subjects covered under the Diploma in irrigation Engineering DIE 200 Surveying & leveling DIE 201 Civil Engineering Construction DIE 202 Strength of materials /structures/soil mechanics DIE 203 Irrigation & Drainage DIE 204 Design procedures/Drawings/Drafting standards DIE 205 Fluid Mechanics DIE 206 Mathematics / Computer & Information Technology DIE 207 Quantity surveying /Data for costing/Estimation DIE 208 Water management DIE 209 Accounts & Store Management DIE 210 English