Local business web pages from Sri Lanka Search result

Buddhi Industries pvt Ltd.

Buddhi Industries pvt Ltd.

Buddhi lndustries Pvt Ltd started as a public limited liability company on 2007 and is the pioneer manufacturer of cashew based machines production in sri Lanka. The company produces high quality natural iron based machines with its modern state of the art technology; the capacity has increased over hundred folds since its inception. Machines are manufactured under the Trade Mark of"Bl" which was registered in Sri Lanka & lndia. The founder & the present Managing Director was awarded as the Best inventor ofthe year in the presidential award ceremony in 1999 & a Gold Medal in 29th lnternational Exhibitions, NewTechniques and Products ofGeneva in Switzerland jn 20Ol for inventing this product. The product is covered & renewed by patents locally as per its new technological improvements & was its PCT {in world lntellectual Property Organization) filing in 2009 & the PCT publishing in 2010. The company is now in the process of covering it5 product by the patents in other countries. The company maintains stringent quality control measures to ensure that the products are in high standards, which have made machines, the number 1 choice all over the world.The dedicated, trained and motivated manpower ofthe company is an asset which the company is proud of. A committed and qualified management team ba