Local business web pages from Sri Lanka

Tattoo SHOP

Tattoo SHOP

715, Thalangama North, Thalangama< Battaramulla, Colombo ,
Tattoo is not jest a picture in your body its a emotional art..... Any tattoo with world A grade ink and best quality equipments.
Sri Paada, Sri Lanka

Sri Paada, Sri Lanka

Adam's Peak , is a 2,243 m tall conical mountain located in central Sri Lanka. It is well known for the Sri Pada, i.e., "sacred footprint", a 1.8 m rock formation near the summit, which in Buddhist tradition is held to be the footprint of the Buddha, in Hindu tradition that of Shiva and in Islamic and Christian tradition that of Adam, or that of St. Thomas.GeographyThe mountain is located in the southern reaches of the Central Highlands, in the Ratnapura district of the Sabaragamuwa Province—lying about 40 km northeast of the city of Ratnapura. The surrounding region is largely forested hills, with no mountain of comparable size nearby. The region along the mountain is a wildlife reserve, housing many species varying from elephants to leopards, and including many endemic species.Adam's Peak is important as a watershed. The districts to the south and the east of Adam's Peak yield precious stones—emeralds, rubies and sapphires, for which the island has been famous, and which earned for its ancient name of Ratnadvipa.TrailsAccess to the mountain is possible by 6 trails: Ratnapura-Palabaddala, Hatton-Nallathanni, Kuruwita-Erathna, Murraywatte, Mookuwatte & Malimboda. The Nallathanni & Palabaddala routes are most favored by those undertaking the climb, while the Kuruwita-Erathna trail is used less often; these trails are linked to major cities or town by bus, accounting for their popular use. The Murraywatte, Mookuwatte & Malimboda routes are hardly used, but do intersect with the Palabaddala road midway through the ascent. The usual route taken by most pilgrims is ascent via Hatton and descent via Ratnapura; although the Hatton trail is the steepest, it is also shorter than any of the other trails by approximately five kilometers.
Maris Stella College, Negombo

Maris Stella College, Negombo

Maris Stella College, Negombo, Sri Lanka, Negombo ,
On 2nd January 1817, Father Marcelline Champagnat, son of a farmer in the hamlet of Rozey close to the town of Marlhes in Loire, France, now Saint Marcelline Champagnat, founded the religious order of the Marist Brothers. A hundred years later, in 1918, four religious Brothers of this congregation came to Negombo, Sri Lanka, and took over the management of St.Mary's College. In 1922, the school moved to its present site and assumed the new name of Maris Stella College, and thus our school was born. Maris Stella College in Negombo is one of the best and oldest Catholic Colleges in Sri Lanka, founded by the Marist Brothers in 1922. The history of the Primary School goes back to 1921 when Bro. Lewis was in charge of the elementary School, Standard Two E.S.L.C (Elementary School Leaving Certificate) Class. There were three long cadjan sheds which housed eight primary classes. Bro. Mafia took charge of the Primary Department in 1929. Bro. Paschal was a musician and with Mr. Edward Ferdinands, the music teacher, trained the choir to sing in parts. When the boys came out first in the school singing competition in Colombo, the newspapers referred to them as the "Magic Singers" from Negombo. The School's broadcasting services were inaugurated in 1930. Maris Stella installed a wireless set in the library, and the boys followed lessons, such as nature talks to children. Electricity came to the whole of Negombo in 1931. The same year the first Corpus Christi procession took place. It went around the quadrangle. The cadets presented a Royal Guard of Honour. In 1935 Mr. M. Joseph was appointed Headmaster of the Primary School. Later he took to politics and eventually became the Mayor of Negombo. Some veteran teachers of the era were Mr. K. Joseph, M. Fernando, Mr. W. Don Thomas, (father of Eddie Jayamanne) Mr. W. Don John, Mr. B. C. Edmund, Mr. J. M. de Levera, Lieutenant Vincent Fernando, and Captain D. F. Jayamanne. In August 1939, World War II broke out. The following year Maris Stella was requisitioned in part by the Royal Artillery for the headquarters. The Primary School shifted to Tammita Church grounds into temporary cadjan sheds. Then Royal Artillery moved out in November, but the Royal Air Force occupied the buildings in March the following year. Bro. Nazier took charge of the Primary School in January, 1941. The College was put under protection of Our Lady of Perpetual Help, to be spared the ravages of war. There were frequent practices of Air Raid Precautions in schools. Trenches were dug for shelter, and every child knew what to do in case of and air raid warning. Fortunately, the school was in Easter holidays when the Japanese Air Raid took place in 1942 but their invasion fleet was turned back. In the meantime, we a three quarter acre block of land behind Maris Stella, was purchased and 12 classrooms, a staff room and a principal's office were built; the Primary School moved back from Tammita. When the war ended, the students of Maris Stella made a pilgrimage of thanks giving to Our Lady of Lourdes, Kimbulapitiya. When Bro. Nazier went to Europe in 1950, for a year's study leave, Mr. Leonard Obris acted as Principal of the Primary Dept. For many years the Primary Dept. was in temporary cadjan sheds. So a building project was launched. Funds were raised through carnivals and other means. The Primers staged a Rosary Pageant presented by 250 little actors. The late Bro. Xavier was the architect and the builder of the Primary School. It was storeyed building east of the play ground, extending between the College Hall and the large portico which was to house the College bus. In June 1959, Bro. Nazier went on transfer to Tudella and Bro. Gerard Peiris became the next principal of Maris Stella Primary School. Maris Stella Primary School had been going on for years as a separate third grage aided school recognised by the Government with separate tutorial staff and annual returns. When all the third grade schools were taken over by the Government. Maris Stella Primary School together with the Primary Schools of many leading Chritian schools came under this category. This position was contested upon and the Government gave back the Primary Schools after some time, now to be recognized only as a section of the upper school under on Principal and to be continued as a non fee levying school. It was during the time of Bro. Gerard Peiris as Principal of the Primary School that the change took place. After serving the College form 1959 to 1965 he was transferred to Christ King College at Tudella which was another Maris Institution. Bro. Joseph Fonseka succeeded him. He was very methodical in his dealings and was insistent on cleanliness. "Order leads to God" was one of firm beliefes. The class room and its equipment had to be very neat and tidy. He supervised the cleanliness of the place himself visiting every nook and corner of the Primary department. The first thing he attended to at the beginning of every school year was painting of the desks, chairs, and benches of the classrooms. This has now become a tradition at Maris Stella thanks to Bro. Joseph's untiring efforts. His office gave evidence at who he was. Each item in his office had its due place and it was a model office it was a model office item in his office had its due place and it was a model office without any exaggeration. After eight years of dedicated service, in 1972, he left Maris Stella for further religious studies. Bro. Ephrem Obris took his place next. A man of not too many words, he served the college for four years as the sectional head of the lower classes. He then left for Pakistan to work as a missionary. Bro. Joseph Fonseka who was his predecessor joined the College administration again for a short period of three years. Brothers Shanthi Liyanage, Dela Soysa, Remigius Fernando succeeded Bro. Joseph, each for a short period respectively and offered their services to the College as Head of the Primary Section...,, Present day Presently Year—1,2,3,4 and 5 class rooms are placed in the 5 store building behind the main building. The grade 6,7 classes are in the main building near the main ground. The grade 8,9,10,11 and AL classes are placed in the three store building and in the building where the welfare office is situated. Present Principal - Rev.Bro.Sunanda Alwis Vice Principals - Mr.Srilal, Mrs.Nalini, Rev.Bro.Ranjith Primaary Principal - Mrs. Nilmini Perera Past Principals 1922 - 1926 Rev.Bro. Lewis 1926 - 1926 Rev.Bro. Joseph 1927 - 1949 Rev.Bro. Anthony 1949 - 1956 Rev.Bro. Conran 1956 - 1959 Rev.Bro. Gunawardana Stanislaus 1960 - 1966 Rev.Bro. Peter 1966 - 1979 Rev.Bro. Gregory Appuhamy 1979 - 1989 Rev.Bro. P.R Clinton Perera 1990 - 1995 Rev.Bro. A. D. A Shanthi Liyanage 1996 - 2001 Rev.Bro. K.A Godfrey Edward Perera 2002 - 2004 Rev.Bro. P.R Clinton Perera 2004 - 2007 Rev.Bro. M. L Sunanda Alwis 2007 - 2010 Rev.Bro. B.P.R Mervin Perera 2010 - Present Rev.Bro. M. L Sunanda Alwis Flag and crest School flag The College flag is composed of two blue stripes and a red stripe in between. The upper blue stipe connotes God while the lower blue stripe signifies the earth and water. The red stripe in the middle stands for love. Thus the College flag is symbol of God’s love and man’s love for each other. School crest The main features in the College Crest are. A shining star, the English letters A and M, 12 small stars,a yacht sailing in the sea and the words "Iter Para Tutum". The shining star at the very top of the crest reminds that we are on a life journey and this star shows us the correct way. The English letters A & M stand for the words “ Ave Maria “. The yacht likens our life’s journey to a yacht sailing the seas. The three Latin words “ Iter Para Tutum “ at the bottom mean “ Show Us the Way " or "Prepare a safe way.“ Sports Athletics Badminton Basket Ball Carrom Chess Cricket Foot ball Gymnastics Karate Volley Ball Swimming Societies Aeronautical Society Archeological Society Art Society Cadet Corps Champagnat Youth Club Choir - Webpage: www.mscchoir.co.cc Commerce Union Dewdaham Committee Environmental Committee Junior Westernband Media Unit Photograph Association Prefect Association Red Cross Society School Environment Pioneer Brigade Science Union Scout Senior Westernband [ Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maris_Stella_College ]
Seikoudou Japanese Language Institute Sri Lanka(成功道日本語学院スリランカ)

Seikoudou Japanese Language Institute Sri Lanka(成功道日本語学院スリランカ)

NO 17 Pulinathala Rama Road Magammanna, Ragama ,
Equip you with knowledge and abilities in order to study live and success in Japan..(日本留学案内/日本語講座JLPT&NAT)
RAD Tour Guide

RAD Tour Guide

Galle Road, Panadura ,
We are newly started tour guide service in Sri Lanka. We can assist you throughout your stay in Sri Lanka. We can arrange travelling. lodging and all the requirements as per your wish.
PAL Motors

PAL Motors

519,awissawella rd,kauwela, Kaduwela ,
Tel: 776035145
Saloon Geetha  &  Peiris Beauty Center

Saloon Geetha & Peiris Beauty Center

Pradeep peiris is always associated with class and style, and with the Company's highly trained professional staff, exposed to up to date techniques and trends, the group has earned a reputation for providing quality services which any discerning person could expect. A visit to a Getha saloon and peiris beauty center would give you the taste of the difference.
Tel: 774005300


118 A, Galle Road,, Colombo ,
Glo Digital is a company specializing in wedding photography,colour lab, cinematography, engagments, event photography, senior portraits, family pictures, and other types of photography. We provide awesome, high-end wedding photos at reasonable, up-front prices.
The Hideout Sigiriya

The Hideout Sigiriya

Rangirigama, Sigiriya ,
The Hideout is tucked away in the village of Rangirigama, Sigiriya. At the Hideout you will be able to enjoy modern amenities in a modest Sri Lankan village setting. This is the perfect place for those who want to explore the ancient cities of Sri Lanka and enjoy an affordable stay while enjoying some excellent local cuisine, comfortable rooms, a swimming pool, and more.
Tel: 777716088