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1. Hot Masters: Hospitals, Restaurants, Hotels,luxury apartments, individuals who use an air conditioner and also use hot water for bathing etc.Factories in BOI zones and industrial zones. In any factory thermal energy has to be used and consequently energy waste too is invariably involved, TLL undertakes to fabricate devices to recover waste heat. For example TLL has undertaken to recover a huge amount of thermal energy wasted by MapaLalan gloves plant at Biyagama, by using a heat recovering device. MapaLlalan factory wastes 100,000 of hot water at 92 degree Celsius ( almost boiling water). By doing this MapaLalan can save millions of rupees per month. 2. Dryer: Onion and vegetable preservation in agriculture industries. Food preservation, herbal and spices drying, timber drying, pharmaceutical preservation etc.For launderers, Tea industry, museums which need specific relative humiliates and temperatures. 3. Pressure Plant: Timber merchants. Timber industry. There is a global warning to treat timber in order to extend the life time of timber and there by tree felling frequency can be reducing ensuring forest conservation. On the other hand treated timber does not decompose as faster as non treated timber. Decomposing timber emit carbon dioxide to the environment which account for the global warming. Global warming is a threat to the existence of human being on the earth.So demand for pressure plants are going up every day.
Tel: 777811521