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Ayurveda Sri Lanka

Ayurveda Sri Lanka

Yaddehimulla Junction, Dewala Road, Unawatuna, Unawatuna ,
Providing total Ayurveda
Yoga with Asiri

Yoga with Asiri

Dewala Road, Unawatuna ,
About Asiri Asiri motivates and helps people at all levels in Yoga to balance their bodies and release stress. His yoga experience includes fifteen years of practice and five years of teaching. He is practicing classical yoga (Shivananda style). He studies began in the Shivananda tradition in 1999 that he met his teacher Lyndon Mason (one of the greatest teacher) founder of Kailash Yoga Studio. Prior to teaching yoga, Asiri’s background was in Marketing and Sports. He worked in Multinational and local companies and also Sri Lankan athlete (Triple Jumper) represented Sri Lanka in International Meets and also he worked at University as Instructor in Physical Education. He believes everyone can benefit from yoga when practicing continuously. His teaching style is passionate, consistent and encouraging. Asiri highly believes that Yoga is very good for better life style. Everybody is able to practice yoga if they have at least a little bit of dedication. Asiri is learning and practicing Buddhism and also meditation facilitator. Yoga goes beyond the physical aspect of living to more spiritual one and brings these two aspects of living together without conflict. About Yoga The word Yoga It is derived from the Sanskrit root yuj, "to control", "to yoke", or "to unite". This means that the science of yoga brings together the mind, body and spirit in a harmony, uniting the emotional (heart) and rational (mind) ends of the spectrum into a whole. The yoga unites the separateness of human being to one whole entity. Yoga simply means ‘union’ of mind and body and soul into one. Yoga is a 5000-year-old discipline that unites the mind and body. Our ancestors used this practice to keep themselves healthy, free from disease and negative energy. Yoga is not just a physical exercise. It enables us to stay healthy from the inside to the outside. According to Sage Patanjali, "Yoga is moving meditation." In this practice the mind and body work in harmony. Yoga strengthens our physical body, tones all the organs, improves blood and air circulation, and strengthens the glands Yoga asana is only one aspect or in yoga terms one branch or limb of the yoga. The yoga was written and systematized by Sage Patanji in his work called Yoga Sutra, this epos consists 185 tense aphorisms. Yoga Sutra includes the eight limbs of yoga which are Yamas & Niyamas; ethical and individual disciples, Asana; physical posture, Pranayama; breath control, Pratyahara; Withdrawal of the senses, Dhyana; concentration, Dharana; meditation, Samadhi; Illumination, full awareness from moment to moment. About Ayurveda The science of Ayurveda discipline on a theory that universe is made of five primordial elements or 'Butha's, namely earth, air, fire, water and ether. These elements themselves are life-less, but in combination, produce three main biological forces or doshas in the human body, called Vaata, Pitta, and Kapha. Ayurveda heals us by bringing back into balance of the doshas according to our balance at our birth then symptoms of dis-eased are reversed and disappeared. Unlike western medicine approach Ayurveda heals the body, mind and spirit as a whole and once in balance you will begin to experience life as an effortless and harmonious journey