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Wellawaya irrigation engineer's office

Wellawaya irrigation engineer's office

ella road wellawaya, Wellawaya ,
Irrigation Infrastructure The numerous ancient monuments and traces of irrigation tanks scattered all over Moneragala District bear historical evidence to the fact that this area had been a fertile and agriculturally productive region of ancient Srilanka. But the history of modern development does not charecterize, sufficient attention not paid toward harnessing this resource base for increasing the national production. The Impact of this has been the partial depletion of renewable resources of the district. despite this the District still has a considerable potentials for the decelopment.This District has only about 7308 ha under under medium and major irrigation schemes, which is a low figure compared to other districts in the dry zone. The present trend in the irrigation sector in Sri lanka is rehabilitation or restoration of existing irrigation schemes to realize it’s optimum potential.This scenario seems to be unsatisfactory in the context of irrigation development in Moneragala District, where hithero unexploited, potentially sound sites are found in abundance. The majority of the population in the District earns their living by agriculture. If the resource of the District remains unexploited a considerable section of the population will continue to live in poverty. Therefore it is necessary to develop these unutilized resources for enhancing Agricultural production and uplift the living standards of rural population in the district. It is envisaged to restore abandoned tank and anicut schemes in addition to bring about new schemes in the District to put many existing and new lands for the productive use throught intrer basin development projects as well as trans basin developtment projects such as Nakkala reservoir project, Nugamandiya anicut project, Kolallawattha tank project etc.