Novo Networks
No.34, 1st Floor, Super Market,
‘Novo networks’ is a growing group of industries that is recently started. Begun on 5th July 2013, we are a young but visionary company, with the capacity to expand into various areas and to grow. Our products include solar lights, furniture, and electronic items, and we will be expanding to web solutions and advertising soon. We are located in Malabe at a location that is easily accessible from many areas of the country, thus reducing the hassle of traffic and unavailability of parking spots on busy roads.
We are importers of solar lights and equipment, along with furniture and electronic items, from Malaysia. We cater to everyone, with our extremely affordable but brand-new, great-quality products that will speak to the interior designer in you. Our solar lights and equipment will reduce your electricity bills and subtract your electricity woes. With 25 models to choose from, you are guaranteed a model you would be proud to have in your home. Our furniture, also imported from Malaysia, will suit any need you have in mind, and will make your home or your office elegant and tasteful.
We will be expanding into web solutions and advertising soon, and will be offering e-commerce sites, all commercial sites, personal sites, and product promotion sites. We also offer photography by our experienced photographers. Additionally, we plan to offer banners, television commercials, street promotions, and digital printing. Online purchasing options will be launched soon.
This is a network that is growing day by day. Visit us on and contact us for your solution needs and for information on our products. For careers, please contact us at
Madhara Ranmuthugala
Senior Editor
NOVO Networks